This project was done by January 16, 2015, as the final project of the course Interactive Interface
Design & Development. Using CSS + HTML5 + Javascript.
This was a team work, with two partners from Industry Design College designed the page, and I was the programmer to make it true. We aimed to find a UI mode of collocation on cell phones. We compared many different modes, and finally chose my idea of using a round menu. We all agreed that this idea would make users feel more interesting, and our user experience test proved it. It feels really good to using your techniques to make more fun. During the process I applied the object-oriented concepts – the ‘ring’ is a class and can be used on different themes besides pizza DIY through just replacing the icons.
// icon click function iconClick: function(index, total) { this.changeColor(index, FR.MenuRound.currentIcon); var base = FR.MenuRound.currentIcon - index;
if (!base) { FR.MenuRound.showIndexList(index); return; } var isNext; // judge the direction of rotation if (base > 0) isNext = base >= total / 2 ? true : false; else isNext = base >= -total / 2 ? true : false;
var n = 1; if (isNext) { while (1) { var obj = (FR.MenuRound.currentIcon + (n++)) % total; FR.MenuRound.animQueen.push(obj); if (obj == index) break; } } else { while (1) { var obj = (FR.MenuRound.currentIcon == 0 ? total : FR.MenuRound.currentIcon) - (n++) % total; obj = obj < 0 ? total + obj : obj; FR.MenuRound.animQueen.push(obj); if (obj == index) break; } } // if the waiting list is empty, call the rotate function if (FR.MenuRound.animQueen.length == Math.abs(n - 1)) { FR.MenuRound.rollRotate(); } // try to use the setTimeOut function but failed // setTimeOut("FR.MenuRound.showIndexList("+index+")",5000); // setTimeout("alert('5seconds!')",5000);
/* * to show the effect of the UI design, make specific treatment. * So this function doesn't contain much techques. */ showIndexList: function(index){ if(index == -1){ document.getElementById('panelBg').style.visibility = "hidden"; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { document.getElementById('meat_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ document.getElementById('vegetables_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } elseif(index == 0) { document.getElementById('panelBg').style.visibility = "visible"; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) document.getElementById('meat_'+i).style.visibility = "visible"; for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if(getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('vegetables_'+i)).visibility == "visible"){ document.getElementById('vegetables_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } }
} elseif(index == 1) { document.getElementById('panelBg').style.visibility = "visible"; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { document.getElementById('meat_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) document.getElementById('vegetables_'+i).style.visibility = "visible"; } else { document.getElementById('panelBg').style.visibility = "hidden"; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { document.getElementById('meat_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ document.getElementById('vegetables_'+i).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } },
iconClick2: function(index, listIndex){
var da = newArray(2); var ta = newArray(2); var aa = this.a; var randPic = document.createElement('div'); = listIndex + '_' + index; = 'relative'; for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { da[i] = Math.random(); ta[i] = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI;
// the rotate function rollRotate: function() { this.stepA = this.angle / this.steps; this.steps = parseInt(this.time / this.speed); this.counter = 1; var sA = 6; var tA = this.angle;
var quantity = this.items.length; var a = this.a; var b = this.b; var iconWidth = this.iconWidth; var iconHeight = this.iconHeight; /* * judge the direction of rotation * or it may get wrong when continuously clicking */ var isNext = (this.currentIcon + 1) % quantity == this.animQueen[0] ? true : false; FR.MenuRound.fr_interval = setInterval(function() { if (FR.MenuRound.counter > FR.MenuRound.steps) { clearInterval(FR.MenuRound.fr_interval); FR.MenuRound.currentIcon = FR.MenuRound.animQueen.shift();